The Protection of Michael D. Evans #3

Detective Sharpe and the Dane County DA’s Office never produced the data that Detective Sharpe claimed was attached to his report, and due to the case being dismissed they were never forced to.  This however, was not the only case in which the same defendant was charged for a crime involving Evans.

Evans was involved with check forgeries committed on multiple dates with a Camille Major.  Both of these individuals would admit to their involvement under oath, and would be forced to admit that the defendant charged in relation to the check forgeries was not even present on at least one occasion forged checks were passed.  (She claimed this was twice; Evans claimed this was once).  Remarkably, neither Evans nor Major were charged with passing forged checks despite their own sworn testimony being enough for an easy conviction.

Luckily, due to evidentiary problems suggesting misconduct, this case as well was eventually dismissed.

One possible explanation for why the defendant was charged for crimes for which there was overwhelming evidence to Evans’ guilt may be related to the fact that Sun Prairie detectives took over $1300 from the defendant.  The circumstances to this money being taken are most disturbing and raise questions of impropriety, maybe even criminal.  Were the charging decisions due to the notion that by charging this defendant, two birds could be killed with one stone?

First, two crimes would be deemed solved.  Second, the defendant would be discredited if he ever called attention to the over $1300 that was taken from him.

For those who find it difficult to accept the possibility that police officers illegally remove money from witnesses and suspects, they should recall the Detective Denise Markham section of this document.

For those interested in an appraisal of the evidence related to Evans and Major, see attachment 79.

Whatever the reason, when it comes to protecting Evans from the consequences of his criminality, there is still more.

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