The Protection of Darell Fowler

Darell Fowler loves weapons.  Attachment #58 is two photos with him holding guns and a third photo obtained from his cellphone of an automatic submachine gun.  Fowler loves money.  Attachment #59 is a photo of his tattoo to that effect and a photo showing the loot from one of his crimes, taken from his cellphone. Fowler is walking about.  Why?  In large part it is because Fowler is a protected man.  Why?

The answer to the above may lead to speculation, but it cannot be doubted that Fowler is protected.  Fowler’s protection is despite Fowler often receiving 50% of the loot from armed robberies committed by his clique due to Fowler providing both the weapons and the targets.

Fowler has often targeted college students because Fowler knows that college students may be reluctant to report being robbed if there may be a hint or suspicion that drugs were involved.

Good evidence to Fowler’s protection is attachment #60, the formal plea agreement that was proposed to Fowler in regards to an armed robbery.  The plea agreement speaks for itself on the extreme leniency the DA’s Office is willing to show.

Fowler’s protection from the Dane County DA’s Office extended to the DA’s Office withholding, in violation of a court order, evidence of the aforementioned photos and text messages between Fowler and an Ashton Davis greeting each other with their Lic Squad status.

Beyond the above, the DA’s Office falsely claimed for months that there was no evidence of Fowler being connected to any other armed robberies and that all police reports relating to Fowler had been turned over.  However, a police report (Attachment #61) surfaced last fall wherein Officer Rene Gonzalez acknowledged Fowler’s involvement in what would have to be another armed robbery.  Despite the court acknowledging that this evidence contradicts the DA’s prior representations, the court’s attitude appears to be “How can we get past this moment without having to do anything about it?”

The protection of Fowler took a surreal and bizarre twist on March 26, 2012, as will be shown later.

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